House Activity





 Introduction to houses:

The House System at S.R.B. Public School incorporates all aspects of achievement, behaviour and attendance.

The House System of Horizon is built on the belief in creating a joyful learning environment for our students. Through students' participation in various activities, we create meaningful experiences for them so as to build a sense of belonging and a common identity. The House System is named according to the school's values: Respect, Integrity, Compassion, and Excellence (R.I.C.E). Every student finds identity with a House in which they will stay committed. 

Pupils are divided into four houses:

  • Raman – yellow
  • Kalam – green
  • Bose – Blue
  • Ramanujan – Red

Purpose :

Houses are created to promote- good behaviour, progress, achievement and effort, cooperation, helpfulness and good manners. And, To Promote:

  • Individual Responsibility
  • Collective Responsibility
  • Positive behaviour
  • Strong School Ethos
  • Shared Aims and Goals
  • Teamwork
  • Positive attitudes to school
  • Positive attitude towards others
  • Effort and application
  • Good manners
  • Achievements and successes of all kinds

How does it work?

Pupils in each class will be divided into four houses and there will be an approximately equal number of pupils in each house across the school. Classes should also be divided as far as possible into equal numbers of boys and girls.

• Pupils can earn or lose points for their house at any time during the school day or during extra-curricular and out-of-school activities (with school).

• All members of staff and others visiting the school or working with pupils can award or take away points.

  • One logo will be provided for each house.

Class teachers, visiting teachers and non-teaching members of staff can award points for:

  • Good manners.
  •  Helpful behaviour.
  •  Caring and considerate behaviour.
  •  Special effort and application.
  •  Improvement in achievement or attainment is brought about by hard work and a positive attitude.
  •  Improvement in behaviour and attitude which pupils have consciously worked at.

   • A positive attitude to specific tasks or school life generally.
   • Responsible behaviour.
   • Changes in attitude/behaviour/effort etc. which have been worked at
by individuals/groups of pupils.
   • Other achievements are seen by adults/staff as worthy of recognition.

Class teachers, visiting teachers and non-teaching members of staff and others at the school can on rare occasions also deduct/add points. However, it is hoped this will happen very infrequently.

How Many Points can be Awarded or deducted?

The points awarded will range between, ( 1 to 100).
The allocation of pupils will be based on a point scale
1. Some effort/improvement/change/impact
2. Okay effort/improvement/change/impact
3. Good effort/ improvement/change/impact
4. A marked effort/improvement/change/impact
5. Impressive effort/ improvement/change/impact

Display of House Points and Monthly Progress?

  • A special house notice will be issued to display the monthly and ongoing points total for each house – on the School notice board.
  •  A separate House wall where houses can display their own information or ideas or successes will be developed.
  • Each class will also keep house point records for the monthly tallying of points.
  • At the end of the session, the winning house will be presented with the House Trophy.

Other Important Points

  • Each class will have House Captains who will be responsible for heading a house during a particular period. The house Captains will change when necessary.
    • Class/school House Competitions will take place at different times of the year.
    • Class teachers can make individual awards/rewards or give extra privileges to winning houses for in-class successes.
    • There will continue to be House Sports Awards – Cross Country, Sports Day etc. Additional competitions may be introduced for sports and other activities – football/chess/quiz/spelling/challenges/events etc.
    • House Captains and members of the Pupil Council can discuss and suggest developments, events, changes etc. to the House System.


S.R.B. Public School